In this issue: |
Scientific Notation Tutor |
Using Natural Events to Teach Science |
New Mathematics Tutor Available for Linear Equations |
Your Ideas: Have an idea or teaching tip you would like
to include in Quantum's online newsletter? Please email Al
Renshaw and you will receive a FREE one-year subscription
to the Quantum Tutors. |
If you would like other teachers to receive Teacher Connection,
please send email addresses to
Al Renshaw. |
Issues: To view previous issues of the Teacher Connection
Newsletter, please visit: quantumsimulations.com. |
to the fourth issue of Teacher Connection, a free online
monthly newsletter to provide teachers with effective teaching techniques
and helpful ideas and tools for explaining chemistry and mathematics
concepts to students of all levels. |
Notation Tutor
notation is an important and essential technique for working with
very large or small numbers. All teachers recognize the importance
of reviewing the fundamental concepts and rules governing the
use of scientific notation but this is rarely enough. Students
under pressure to succeed usually resort to memorizing a few rules
that will get an answer but promote little understanding of the
concept or value of scientific notation. As sincere as the teacher
might be, it's difficult to spend the required time with every
student to bring them up to a proficient level of understanding.
With the Quantum Tutor for Scientific Notation, students can spend
as much time as needed to understand the key concepts needed for
understanding this topic. Accessed over the Internet, students
can get answers to their questions day or night. View a demo at
Natural Events to Teach Science
spills, forest fires, tornados...there are incredible, dramatic
events in the newspaper everyday to help us teach science concepts.
The challenge is finding creative ways to hold the interest and
excitement of students beyond the sensationalism of these events.
Using Event-Based Science® Activities and Quantum's Artificial
Intelligence Chemistry and Mathematics Tutors, you can relate
real-world concepts back to important problem solving skills such
as ratio and proportion, balancing chemical equations, stoichiometry
and more. FREE activities are available on Quantum's web
site at www.quantumsimulations.com/activities.html
Mathematics Tutor Available for Linear Equations
Quantum Tutor for Linear Equations assists students in solving
any linear equation problem. Users can enter equations from any
source, including the textbook or assignment sheet. Regardless
of the problem, the Tutor will guide the student by showing excellent
problem-solving techniques. At every step in the problem, students
will receive a thorough explanation about how the step was taken
and why it was appropriate. If the equation is very simple, the
Tutor will show the student how to solve it through observation.
This ensures that students thoroughly understand the meaning of
a solution to an equation. If the equation is more complex, the
Tutor will show students a logical and reasonable technique for
finding a solution, explaining every step and answering student
questions along the way. For a demo, visit www.quantumsimulations.com/demo.html
Teaching Tips from Quantum coming soon!