Artificial Intelligence Technology
Just like a human tutor, Quantum Tutors give personalized hints, guidance and feedback based on your own work.
Easy-to-Use Interface
Dialogue driven, Quantum Tutors interact with you in a conversational manner so you spend more time learning the subject, not the software.
Enter Any Problem
Quantum Tutors accept any problem that you want to work on, making the Tutors compatible with any curriculum.
Enter Your Own Work
Quantum Tutors allow you to enter your own work. The Tutors interpret the work and provide coaching and feedback based on your unique responses. |
Internet Delivered
Quantum Tutors are ideal for students working at home on assignments where a teacher is not readily available. All you need is an Internet connection and a PC or Mac. No CDs or downloads.
Ask Questions
Quantum Tutors include an evolving menu of questions that change based on how you are approaching the problem. By learning to ask better questions, your knowledge of the subject greatly improves.
View and e-Mail Transcripts
Quantum Tutors provide a record of your study session which can be e-mailed to the teacher critical information that can help teachers with assessment, lesson planning and action steps for struggling students. |