Quantum® Field Research: Find it, Fix it, and Thrive - The Impact of Insisting on Proficiency in Prerequisite Knowledge in Intermediate Accounting
In this study, Quantum�s adaptive learning and assessment software was used to assess student understanding and mastery of core concepts required to be successful in Intermediate Accounting. Using an �all or nothing� grading approach combined with Quantum�s individualized tutoring help and targeted practice tools, the treatment group improved two full letter grades over the control group.
[Download the full paper]
Assessment Reporting - Transaction
Analysis: Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Through Detailed Analysis
of Student Work
When examining the usage trends of students that used Quantum®, students improved 15% in their ability to analyze transactions. More importantly, 88% of students achieved high- to medium- mastery with an average study time of only two hours.
the one page PDF summary]
Quantum® Field Research: Targeted PracticeSM Proven to Increase Student Learning Efficiency with Less Study Time (Cal Poly State University)
Students in the Targeted PracticeSM Group completed transactions in less time and with greater accuracy than students in the Textbook Group (15.5% faster with 26.5% more correct answers achieved per unit of study time).
the one page PDF summary] [Download
the full paper]
Quantum® Field Research: Intelligent Adaptive Learning Software Improves Student Test Scores by at least a Full Letter Grade (Baldwin-Wallace College)
Students using Quantum® for transaction analysis achieved 3.5 times more gain in test scores over students who studied with the textbook.
the one page PDF summary] [Download
the full paper]
Quantum® Field Research: Intelligent Adaptive Learning Software Increases Test Scores and Maximizes Student Effectiveness (University of Saskatchewan)
After one group of students completed a homework assignment using Quantum® , their test scores improved 1.9 times more than a group of students who used an online homework management system. When Quantum® was removed from the first group of students and given to the other group, the pattern of performance differences was reversed, with the Quantum® group gaining 2.6 times more than the online homework group.
the one page PDF summary] [Download the full paper]
Quantum® - Learning Principles
of AI Technology
In this guide you will find an executive summary of the relevant educational research, learning theories and effective classroom practices that support the design of Quantum®. The paper discusses how Quantum® utilizes inquiry-based learning, scientific thinking, modeling and scaffolding to teach students how to become better learners and independent thinkers. (PDF) [more]
Quantum Tutors® - Wexford Evaluation
See what teachers and students say about the Quantum Tutors® compared
to human tutors and other tutorial software. (PDF) [more]
Quantum Tutors® - Balancing Chemical
Equations (High School Study)
Quantum® Artificial Intelligence Tutoring
Software and Assessment Tool Improves Student Test Scores by Full
Letter Grade. (PDF) [more]
Quantum Tutors® - Oxidation Numbers
(University Study)
Students Improve Problem-Solving Ability by 45% with Quantum® Artificial
Intelligence Tutors. (PDF) [more]
Quantum Tutors® - Learning Principles
of AI Technology
In this guide you will find an executive summary of the relevant educational research, learning theories and effective classroom practices that support the design of the Quantum Tutors®. The paper discusses how the Quantum Tutors® utilize inquiry-based learning, scientific thinking, modeling and scaffolding to teach students how to become better learners and independent thinkers. (PDF) [more]
Quantum Assessment Advisors® - Oxidation Numbers (High School Study)
Research proves that Quantum Assessment Advisors® can significantly reduce or eliminate teachers' grading time
and are more accurate and consistent than human graders. (PDF)
B. G. Johnson and D. A. Holder, "A Model-Tracing Intelligent Tutoring System for Oxidation Number Assignment"
The Chemical Educator, 15, 447-454 (2010). [more]
J. J. Kuhel, M. C. Wheeler, P. E. Miele, D. A. Holder, B. G. Johnson, A. A. Paterno Parsi and J. D. Madura, "Quantitative Impact of an Artificial Intelligence Tutoring System on Student Performance in Assigning Oxidation Numbers in Chemical Formulas"
The Chemical Educator, 15, 455-460 (2010). [more]
B. G. Johnson, E. Slayter and J. N. Tost, "Impact of Structure of Early Practice on Student Performance in Transaction Analysis"
Proceedings of the 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2010). [more]
B. G. Johnson, J. S. Dittel and D. A. Holder, "Accessible Artificial Intelligence-Based Chemistry Tutoring for Blind and Visually Impaired Students"
The Chemical Educator, 15, 171-177 (2010). [more]
B. G. Johnson, F. Phillips and L. G. Chase, "An Intelligent Tutoring System for the Accounting Cycle: Enhancing Textbook Homework with Artificial Intelligence"
Journal of Accounting Education, 27, 30-39 (2009).
M. B. Walsh, C. M. Moss, B. G. Johnson,
D. A. Holder and J. D. Madura, "Quantitative Impact of a Cognitive
Modeling Intelligent Tutoring System on Student Performance in Balancing
Chemical Equations," Chem. Educator 7, 379 (2002). [more]
D. A. Holder, B. G. Johnson and P. J.
Karol, "A Consistent Set of Oxidation Number Rules for Intelligent
Computer Tutoring," J. Chem. Educator 79, 465 (2002).
B. G. Johnson and D. A. Holder, "A Cognitive
Modeling Tutor Supporting Student Inquiry for Balancing Chemical Equations,"
Chem. Educator 7, 297 (2002). [more]
B. G. Johnson and D. A. Holder, "An
Artificial Intelligence-Based Program for Automated Grading of Student
Work in Balancing Chemical Equations," Chem. Educator 8,
271 (2003). [more]

Copies of these publications are available
upon request.