Quantum Simulations


Since its inception in 1998, Quantum® has relied on strong collaborative efforts from a wide range of individuals in academia, industry and government to successfully research, develop, field test and launch its artificial intelligence learning technologies. Quantum® would like to recognize these individuals for their important contributions over the years. Note: titles and affiliations are listed at the time of collaboration.




Quantum® extends special thanks and appreciation to the following individuals for their enthusiastic support and enduring outstanding contributions:

Tim Best, Project Director, Ohio Board of Regents

Susan Brownlee, Executive Director, The Grable Foundation

Charles (Chip) Burke, Jr., Chairman, The Grable Foundation

Michael Calla, Principal, Sharon School District, Sharon, PA

Sheila L. Cassidy, Executive Director, Wexford, Inc.

Linda G. Chase, CPA, CFE, Associate Professor of Business Administration, Baldwin-Wallace College

Joseph F. Dominic, Program Director, The Heinz Endowments

Patty Donahue, Sales Department Manager, CyberEd, Inc. a Plato Learning Company

Charles Fazzi, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting, St. Vincent College

Carlos A. Gonzalez, Ph.D., Physical and Chemical Properties Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Sara Harris, Accounting Department Chair/Faculty, Arapahoe Community College

F. James Holler, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky

David Johnson, CPA, Adjunct Instructor, University of St. Thomas

Thomas L. Joseph, CLU, ChFC, NFP Securities, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

Mike Kainaroi, Freelance Creative Director and Graphic Designer

Daniel E. Luko, Jr., CPA, MST, Kline, Keppel & Koryak

Mike Junior, Vice President, e-Product Development, McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Jeffry D. Madura, Ph.D., Professor and Department Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Duquesne University

Stewart Mattson, Editorial Director, McGraw-Hill Higher Education

K. Patrick McKay, Donald McKay, Sandra McKay and Joan Shinavski, Legal Counsel, Law Offices of K. Patrick McKay

Connie M. Moss, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Director, Center for Advancing the Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL), Duquesne University School of Education

David Overdick, Attorney at Law, Meyer, Unkovic & Scott LLP

Donna Panazzi, Vice President, Laurel Foundation

Fred Phillips, Ph.D., CA, George C. Baxter Scholar, Professor of Accounting, University of Saskatchewan

John Powell, Attorney at Law, Meyer, Unkovic & Scott LLP

Selma L. Sax, Senior Evaluator, Wexford, Inc.

Ellen M. Standafer, Vice President of Science Product Development, Holt, Rinehart & Winston

Thomas Timp, Chemistry Editor, McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Mary Beth Walsh, Teaching Faculty, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Duquesne University

Kevin Willis, Chemistry Teacher, Carmichaels Area Junior/Senior High School, Carmichaels, PA

Russell G. Wright, Ed.D., Director, Event-Based Science Project, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD

Mark Riccobono, Director of Education, National Federation of the Blind (NFB)

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Elsie Ameen, Ph.D., Professor, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX

Quent Below, Instructor, Roanne State Community College, Harriman, TN

Marylyn Brooks-Lewis, Assistant Professor, Warren County Community College, Washington, NJ

Judy Daulton, Professor, Piedmont Technical College, Greenwood, SC

Jim Dodd, Ph.D., Professor, Drake University, Des Moines, IA

Amy Haas, Professor, Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, NY

Christine Jonick, Ph.D., Professor, Gainesville State College, GA

Ron Lazer, Ph.D., Professor, INSEAD

Erik Lindquist, Professor, Lansing Community College, MI

Nancy Lynch, Teaching Instructor, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV

Mallory McWilliams, Lecturer, San Jose State University, San Jos�, CA

Deborah Niemer, Professor, Oakland Community College, MI

Hossein Noorian, Professor, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA

Carol Sargent, Ph.D., Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

Erik Slayter, Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

Philip Verda, Associate Professor, Ohio Business College, OH

Brenda Bindschatel, Instructor, Green River Community College, Auburn, WA

Tim Chirdon, Chemistry Teacher, Serra Catholic High School, Pittsburgh, PA

Jennifer Lang, Chemistry Teacher, Mount Alvernia High School, Pittsburgh, PA

William E. Brown, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Biology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsuburgh, PA

Deborah B. Exton, Ph.D., Tenured Senior Instructor, Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR

Donna Furnier, Superintendent, Jefferson-Morgan School District, Greene County, PA

Sister Mary Francine Horos, CSSF, Principal, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School, Pittsburgh, PA

Paul J. Karol, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Kenneth R. Koedinger, Ph.D., Senior Research Computer Scientist, Departments of Psychology and Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, and Founder, Carnegie Learning

Roberta Kuhns, Assistant Superintendent, Derry Area High School, Derry, PA

Helen Loughner, Ph.D., Instructor, Penn-Trafford School District, Harrison City, PA

George R. Long , Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemistry, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Bloomington, IN

Theresa M. Maggiore, M.Ed., Instructor, Boston Public Schools, Boston, MA

Diane Marker, Associate Professor, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH

Donna M. Masters, Director, Grant and Contract Administration, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY

Richard P. Mathews, Ed.D., Assistant Director of Science, Unit of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, City of Pittsburgh Board of Education

Judith McMahon, Ed.D., Director of Professional Development, Greensburg-Salem School District, Greensburg, PA

Debra Moore, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX

Albert P. Nous, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Department of Instruction and Learning, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Susan Olsen, Chemistry Teacher, Steel Valley School District, Munhall, PA

Susan A. Osterhaus, M.Ed., CTVI, Statewide Mathematics Consultant, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Austin, TX

James Passarelli, Chemistry Teacher, Franklin Regional High School, Murrysville, PA

Alicia Paterno Parsi, Assistant Professor, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

Susan Patrick, President and CEO, North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL)

Terry Peard, Ph.D., Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

La Vonda Ramey, Instructor, Schoolcraft College, Livonia, MI

Jimmy Reeves, Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of North Carolina Wilington, Wilmington, NC

Mary Jane Sauceda-Castillo, Ph.D., CPA, Associate Professor, University of Texas, Brownsville, TX

Farhad Saba, Ph.D., CEO, Distance-Educator.com, Professor of Educational Technology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

Shannon Schumann, Ph.D., Director, Center for Mathematics Excellence, Phoenix, AZ

Erik L. Selinger, Chemistry Teacher, Franklin Regional Senior High School, Murrysville, PA

Janice Skraly, Chemistry Teacher, South Allegheny School District, McKeesport, PA

Jackie Siminitus, MLS, Library Advocate, AT&T California

Robert Stalnaker, Science and Mathematics Teacher, Franklin Regional Middle School, Murrysville, PA

Donald Teti, Assistant Superintendent, Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Michael Thomas, Superintendent, Monaca School District, Monaca, PA

Raymund C. Torralba, Assistant Professor, Chemistry, Truman College, Chicago, IL

Steve Trail, Ph.D., Instructor of Chemistry, Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL

Kurt VanLehn, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh and Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Constructive Learning Environments (CIRCLE)

Joanne Ventorini, Assistant Principal, St. Joseph High School, Pittsburgh, PA

Alissa Watson, Chemistry Teacher, Bardstown Independent Schools, Bardstown, KY

Kevin Watson, Instructor, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

Larry D. West, Science Supervisor, Division of Curriculum and Assessment Development, Kentucky Department of Education (retired)

Joseph W. Wilson, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky (retired)

Brenda Wingard-Haynes, Chemistry Instructor, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Milwaukee Area Technical College, Millwaukee, WI

Paul E. Yeary, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes, KY

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Ralph Bartley, Director, Research. American Printing House for the Blind

Paul Draper, Ph.D., Prentice Hall

John Gardiner, President and CEO, ViewPlus Technologies

Charles Hartford, Vice President and Publisher, Houghton-Mifflin

Ted Henter, Founder and President, Henter Math

Susan Jolly, Retired, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Gerry Sawchuk, Business Development, Thomson Gale

Joe Sullivan, President and Chief Architect, Duxbury Systems, Inc.

Larry Tesler, President, Stagecast Software, Inc.

Brad Wilson, Vice President of Development, Carnegie Learning

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Don Barrett, Assistive Technology Specialist, U.S. Department of Education

Ian Bennett, Ph.D., Information Technology Program (IT) Manager, National Science Foundation

David Dixon, Ph.D., Associate Director, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Joe Hennessey, Ph.D., Acting Director, SBIR Program, National Science Foundation

Karyl Loux, Senior Associate, De Witt & Associates

Edward Metz, Ph.D., U.S. Department of Education, IES

Sara Nerlove, Ph.D., SBIR Program Manager, National Science Foundation

Jeffrey A. Nichols, Ph.D., Deputy Director and William R. Wiley Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Joseph G. Teresa, Ph.D., Program Manager, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education

Jerome Wujek, Ph.D., National Eye Institute

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