Quantum Simulations
Press Releases
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Press Releases  
2014 I 2013 I 2012 I 2011 I 2010 I 2009 I 2008 I 2007 I 2006 I 2005 I 2004 I 2003 I 2002

February 4, 2014: Quantum Develops Adaptive Learning and Assessment Software to Help Adult Learners Master Basic Math Skills
October 9, 2013: Quantum® Delivers Over 1.3 Million Online Learning Sessions

September 11, 2013: Compelling Research Shows Quantum® Improving Student Performance Nearly Two Full Letter Grades in Intermediate Accounting
May 8, 2012: Wiley Partners with Quantum® to Deliver Intelligent Adaptive Learning and Assessment Solution for Accounting Education
June 17, 2011: Quantum Rides with Team Ansys in Fight Against MS

April 26, 2011: Quantum® Answers Instructor Demand for Improved Student Learning Outcomes in Accounting

April 12, 2011: Quantum's Cognitive Tutoring and Assessment Technology Accelerates Teaching and Learning in Accounting Nationwide

March 23, 2011: Quantum® Next-Generation Learning Technology Delivers Over Half a Million Tutoring Sessions

January 4, 2010: Quantum® Offers One-on-One Tutoring and Homework Help to College and High School Students at www.quantumtutors.com

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October 7, 2009: Quantum® Receives ComputED EDDIE Award for AI-Based Tutoring Software for Accounting

April 29, 2009: Quantum® Receives Platinum Award for "Best Practices for ONLINE Distance Learning Programming" from the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

February 9, 2009: McGraw-Hill Partners with Quantum Simulations to Deliver Web-based Intelligent Tutoring and Individualized Homework Help to College Accounting Students

September 3, 2008: Quantum Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Software for Accounting Proven to Increase Test Scores and Maximize Effectiveness of Student Study Time

August 5, 2008: Quantum® Receives $500,000 from the National Science Foundation to Develop Artificial Intelligence Teacher Training Software for Science

June 10, 2008: WestEd Partners with Quantum® on $2.8 Million Grant from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to Research the Efficacy of Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Software for Science Education

May 5, 2008: Quantum® Celebrates Ten Years of Innovation in Education Technology

April 23, 2008: Quantum® Receives Platinum Award for "Best Practices for Online Distance Learning Programming" from the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

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October 25, 2007: Quantum® President and CEO, Dr. Benny Johnson, Inducted into University of Kentucky Alumni Hall of Fame

September 19, 2007: Quantum® Develops Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Software for Accounting

September 12, 2007: Quantum® Launches Web Site to Support New Artificial Intelligence Education Products for K-12, Higher Education, Distance Learning and Adult Education Markets

April 4, 2007: Quantum® Receives $750,000 from the National Eye Institute for Accessible Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Software for the Blind and Visually Impaired

March 7, 2007: Quantum® Receives $1 Million from the U.S. Department of Education to Develop Artificial Intelligence Tutoring and Assessment Software for Science

January 10, 2007: Quantum® Receives $100,000 from the National Science Foundation to Research and Develop Artificial Intelligence Simulation Software for Teacher Training

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September 13, 2006: Quantum® Receives National Tibbetts Award from Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

July 11, 2006: Quantum® Receives $100,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to Research and Develop Artificial Intelligence Mathematics Tutors for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

May 31, 2006: Quantum® Receives $250,000 from the Ohio Board of Regents to Develop Artificial Intelligence Tutoring and Assessment Software for Middle-School Mathematics

January 24, 2006: Quantum Artificial Intelligence Assessment Software Proven Effective and Reliable for Grading Student Work

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October 5, 2005: Quantum® Creates World's First Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Software for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

August 10, 2005: The Grable Foundation and The Heinz Endowments Grant $200,000 to Subsidize Quantum Tutoring Software for High Schools in Southwestern Pennsylvania

July 12, 2005: California Learning Resource Network Approves Quantum Tutors® as Technology Resource for Science Education

June 16, 2005: Quantum® Receives $100,000 Grant from the National Eye Institute to Research Accessible Tutoring Software for Blind and Visually Impaired Students

February 16, 2005: Duquesne University Students Improve Problem-Solving Ability by 45% with Quantum Artificial Intelligence Tutors

February 1, 2005: Quantum Tutoring Software Improves Student Test Scores by Full Letter Grade

January 25, 2005: Quantum® Named Finalist in SIIA Codie Awards "Best Secondary Education Instructional Solution"

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November 18, 2004: Artificial Intelligence Software Delivers Personal Tutoring Help for Struggling High School and College Chemistry Students

July 27, 2004: Quantum Simulations, Inc. Presents Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Technologies at Education Secretary's No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Leadership Summit

July 22, 2004: U.S. Department of Education Awards Quantum Simulations, Inc. $1.5 Million for Continued Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence Tutors

January 21, 2004: Holt Launches Three New Quantum Artificial Intelligence Tutors

June 9, 2003: Holt's Quantum AI Tutor Selected as Finalist for Association of Educational Publishers Distinguished Achievement Awards

February 4, 2003: Holt Launches Six Quantum Artificial Intelligence Tutors at FETC 2003

March 19, 2002: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Partners with Quantum® to Offer Artificial Intelligence Tutors Over the Internet

October 2001: Quantum® and Duquesne University Collaborate on Student Testing

Quantum® extends special thanks to the following individuals for their enthusiastic support and enduring outstanding contributions...

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