Education Resources
We have assembled a list of helpful
web resources for instructors. Be sure to visit this page often since
new reference information is added on a regular basis.
General Education
Department of Education: Everything you need to know about ED.
Educator: News and information in distance learning trends and
technologies for K-20 and business education.
News Online: eSchool News is a monthly print/online newspaper
providing the news and information necessary to help K-20 decision-makers
successfully use technology and the Internet to transform North America's
schools and colleges and achieve educational goals.
Learning Resource Network: CLRN assists California educators in
identifying supplemental electronic learning resources that both meet
local instructional needs and embody the implementation of California
curriculum frameworks and standards.
Society for Technology in Education: ISTE provides leadership
and service to improve teaching and learning by advancing the effective
use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education.
Center for Education Statistics: NCES is the primary federal entity
for collecting and analyzing data that are related to education in
the United States and other nations.
American Council for Online Learning: The goal of the NACOL is
to increase educational opportunities and enhance learning by providing
collegial expertise and leadership in K-12 online teaching and learning.

Institute of Certified Public Accountants: AICPA is the national,
professional organization for all Certified Public Accountants.
Accounting Association: Founded in 1916, AAA promotes worldwide
excellence in accounting education, research and practice.
of Accounting at Two Year Colleges: TACTYC is an association of
accounting teachers which originated in New York State in 1974.

Chemistry and Mathematics
Chemical Society: ACS provides a broad range of opportunities
for peer interaction and career development, regardless of professional
or scientific interests.
of Chemical Education Discussion Group: Free registration required.
Discussion groups provide teaching assistance to students via e-mail.
Council of Teachers of Mathematics: NCTM is a public voice
of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership, and professional
development to support teachers in ensuring mathematics learning of
the highest quality for all students.
Laboratory Safety Institute (LSI): A nonprofit international organization
safety in science and science education.

General Science
Association for the Advancement of Science: AAAS is an international
non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the
world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional
Science: EBS is an award-winning, research-based program in which
newsworthy events establish the relevance for teaching science topics.
Science Digital Library: NSDL is a digital library of resources
and services organized in support of science education at all levels.
Science Foundation: NSF is an independent federal agency that
supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science
and engineering.
Science Teachers Association: NSTA is the largest organization
in the world dedicated to promoting excellence and innovation in science
teaching and learning.
Education resource portal.